They look like people is a psychological horror movie about a guy who thinks that the world is going to war with monsters that look like people. He meets with an old friend and tries to convince him that whats going on is real, when in reality he is just suffering from schizophrenia. I think that this movie is worth 5 stars because it depicts how people with a mental illness really are and how they are affected. How they really make it seem as if something really bad is going to happen when in all reality its not makes the movie a good plot twister.
The movie is directed and written by Perry Blackshear with the cast members MacLeod Andrews and Evan Dumouchel. I think these two actors did an amazing job giving of the mysterious vibe of which way the movie was going to end up. Andrews, who played the delirious man who thought the world was at war, played his character well and it seemed as if the role fit him well. Dumouchel, the character who played his best friend was an interesting character all on his own. Suffering lack of confidence in himself he often was a more quiet character.
Cooking Mama is a cooking game made for nintendo DS that gives you a set time to make desserts and other foods. I give this game five stars because its really interactive and actually kind of fun in a weird way. The dishes and ingredients are all very detailed and look just like they should and Mama comes across as the tough extremist she is. She exudes her “Cook or die” facial expressions especially if you mess a dish up. Her eyes catch flame and she tells you in an awkwardly calm voice that everything is okay and that "mama" will fix it.
Produced by Joe McHale with character design by Yoshiro Togakushi they bring the game to life with well done gaphics showing realistic foods and ways to make the foods. The character design is very unique with its own anime like style to it and perky kiddie- like feel. I think that this a good game especially for young kids who like to cook and crrate new things.